Onnit 6 Kettlebell
holistic kettlebell
transformation plan.
The kettlebell provides a more user-friendly means of performing classic strength-, muscle-, and power-building exercises, such as the clean and snatch, which many people can’t do safely with a barbell. It lends itself perfectly to flowing movement, building stability and mobility that carries over to athletics—as well as the game of life—seamlessly.
Over the next six weeks, you are going to witness your body completely transform right before your eyes. You’re going to watch the fat melt off of you. You’re going to see muscle develop in places it never has before, and you’re going to move like you haven’t been able to in years—effortlessly. And you’re going to do it using only two or three kettlebells.
and some open floor space.
No wall-length rack of
dumbbells. No bands.
No pullup. You can literally
do them anywhere.

Not Convinced Yet?
Try it Free
Bonus Content
we made sure to test it with
as many different people as
possible: from elite athletes,
to normally fit people, to
those who haven’t done a
pushup in years.

“I lost 11 pounds in 6 weeks, I went down to 6.5% body fat, the leanest I've ever been in my life and it was fun."
“One of the great things about Onnit 6 was the extra stuff that you get - the recipes are delicious and easy to make, and I still use them to this day"
“This program was perfect coming back to working out after having a new baby, it helped me learn how to get back in tune with my body.”
If you can find an hour a day, you can experience the benefits of Onnit 6. Whether it becomes part of your morning routine or your evening ritual—or even what you have on your lunch break—making time for exercise is the first right move to make.
6 benefits you get with Onnit 6:
6 weeks of full-body workouts, consisting of 4 resistance-training/metabolic conditioning sessions and two non-traditional yoga classes
A variety of training modalities to help you see results fast and keep your workouts exciting, including heart-pounding Tabatas, EMOMs, and circuit training
3 levels of progression for each exercise, so you can customize every workout to your needs
Fat-burning recipes to help bolster your diet plan
Supplemental guides on how to tailor the program even more perfectly to your goals: maximize muscle growth or fat loss
Mindset strategies direct from Aubrey Marcus himself
Already Ripped?
Onnit 6 can show you how to move better.
Need to Lose More Fat?
There are modifiers in the program to focus more on fat burning.
Need to Gain Muscle?
Use a heavier kettlebell during the program to build more muscle.
Recipes, Mindset, Nutrition & More
Our holistic, full-body approach to total wellness doesn’t stop at exercise. An equally important part of any results-oriented regimen is diet and nutrition.
Included in Onnit 6 are easy to follow, surprisingly delicious recipes to help you maximize your results, coupled with plenty of tips and education on nutrition to help you create sustainable habits without depriving you of food that tastes good.
In helping you improve your body and gut, Onnit 6 also includes exercises aimed to help you improve your mind. There are benefits to relaxation and forms of meditation, and we offer some bonus content geared towards helping you become more calm after a workout or stressful day.

John Wolf
Head Coach, Onnit 6
Chief Fitness Officer, Onnit
Before becoming Chief Fitness Officer for Onnit, John Wolf founded and owned Wolf Fitness Systems, a well known unconventional gym in California that focused on the integration of various movement theories with the unique tools it made use of. He also spent several years as the US Director of Operations, sitting on the board of the International Education Committee for another well-known unconventional fitness organization.