How To Get An 8-Pack

A streamlined approach for getting lean and strong – fast

Screw the six-pack. Naturally skinny guys and models who starve themselves can get that kind of definition without even trying. Eight-pack abs—where you’re so lean and ripped that you can see muscle below your belly button—signal that you take health and fitness seriously, as they can only come with dedication and consistent hard work.

But that doesn’t mean they can’t come quickly, if you’re eating right and training smart. You probably know that the formula for a lean, muscular body lies in a combination of weight training and cardio, but most programs don’t mesh them in the best possible way. They also don’t take into account your busy life, which may not allow for long lifting sessions on top of high-intensity interval training or fasted morning cardio. Luckily, the fastest path to a great physique isn’t to perform lifting and cardio as separate entities, but to meld them together, so you build muscle and burn fat in one highly efficient effort.

That’s what our program does, and it does it so well that you’ll see results in eight weeks while performing only three workouts per week. We won’t kid you: if you’re very overweight or are new to training, we can’t promise it will give you razor sharp, beach-ready abs in that time span, but it will get you closer than anything else you could try—and, more importantly, it will teach you how to train to keep getting leaner and stronger for the rest of your life.

The 8-Week 8-Pack Plan is the same kind of transformation program celebrities use to prepare for shirtless scenes in movies, and pro athletes rely on to get ready for a long season. Commit to it, and you’ll have a body that can stand alongside theirs.

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