Back in April, we formally introduced you to the Onnit Tribe—the Facebook group created for Onnit fans to support one another in their fitness and life goals. Since then, we’ve posted several articles about Tribe members and the incredible changes they’ve made in their lives, transforming much more than just their bodies. We’re talking about people (like you) who have found their dream jobs, started successful businesses, improved relationships with family, lost dozens of pounds, and have come to see fitness in a whole new light.
If all of that hasn’t piqued your curiosity enough to join the Tribe and see what it’s all about for yourself¦ what are you waiting for?
The group is free to join and open to everyone. Inside, members post messages, photos, and video to engage with one another. The Tribe prides itself on being a safe space, where users can feel comfortable being vulnerable and share any kind of personal struggle—so harsh or negative responses to posts are not tolerated. Apart from cheering each other on, Tribe participants share knowledge and advice on all aspects of fitness, nutrition, and lifestyle, showing new members how they can practically adopt healthy habits that might otherwise seem daunting or unrealistic.

While the Onnit Tribe exists to serve members in any way they see fit, it’s a key feature of three other Onnit offerings: Onnit 6 (O6), Onnit in 30, and the Onnit 6 Challenge.
Onnit 6 is a collection of streamable, six-week long workout programs designed to help you transform your body and set healthy habits for life. Those who purchase an O6 program are automatically admitted to the Tribe to help them achieve the greatest possible results. Onnit in 30, meanwhile, is a more price-friendly selection of O6-style training that provides a perfect introduction to the Onnit fitness philosophy—10 workouts for under 10 dollars.
Finally, there’s the Onnit 6 Challenge—an extension of the Onnit 6 programs created for those who want to raise the stakes. Held several times throughout the year, it’s a competition among Onnit 6 users to build not just a better body but a better life—although the term “competition” is a bit misleading. Rather than vie against each other, Challenge contestants work together through the Onnit Tribe to build relationships and adopt practices that make them fit, healthy, and happy long-term.
As another quarter of the year has passed, we wanted to update you on what’s been happening in the Tribe and how the members are progressing. (If you missed it, catch up with the Q1 recap here.) At the very least, we hope you’ll find it interesting. But, ideally, it will be the kick in the butt you may need to enter the Tribe and start making some changes in your own life.
Be the first to know when the next Onnit 6 Challenge registration opens

Onnit Tribe Quarter 2 Recap
Many people who join the Tribe do so as part of their participation in the Onnit 6 Challenge, and most people who compete in one Challenge enjoy the experience so much that they sign on for additional Challenges. In between O6 Challenge training blocks, participants are encouraged to reflect on what they’ve already accomplished, and consider how they can set themselves up for even greater success before the next round begins. Here’s a look at what happened in the weeks after the first O6 Challenge of 2021 finished on March 28.
Weeks 1–5 (March 29 – May 2)
Tribe members were invited to engage in the following #OnnitTribeChallenges.
- Spend one week reflecting on the six weeks of the first O6 Challenge, considering how you fared, what you learned, and what you can improve upon the next time.
- Take a one-week deload, via a program created by O6 coaches John Wolf and Shane Heins, to help recovery after six weeks of hard training.
- #ChallengeYourself. An invitation to try something new or hard in an effort to get out of one’s comfort zone. Heins suggested a 14-day yoga challenge, in which participants aimed to practice yoga every day. Yoga sessions are included in all O6 programs, and many people acknowledge that they can be difficult to adopt. The yoga challenge was an effort to help users establish the habit of regular yoga, so it would feel natural to continue it in the next O6 Challenge (or wherever their fitness path leads).

On May 2, the finalists in the first O6 Challenge of the year were announced. Congratulations to Aaron Kershaw and Amy Stallings! Prizes included $6,000 in cash, $1,000 in store credit on, and access to all Onnit 6 programs.

Some of those who were not chosen as finalists were understandably disappointed. Coaches Wolf and Heins led discussions of how participants could channel those feelings positively and use them as motivation to perform even better in the next Challenge. Most people who undertake the O6 Challenge learn to feel gratitude for having taken a giant step in their self-development. They also learn techniques for manifesting the results they want.
Weeks 6–9 (May 3 – May 30)
Participants spent four weeks prepping for the start of the next O6 Challenge, guided by a different theme weekly.
- Week 1: Goal setting. How to set appropriate, realistic goals.
- Week 2: Creating support. Discussion on the importance of surrounding yourself with people who believe in you and support your efforts.
- Week 3: Giving and grounding. The importance of acknowledging good things in your life, and remaining humble about your journey.
- Week 4: Synergizing 6. How to bring all your habits and practices together in balance.

Weeks 10–15 (May 31 – July 12)
The Q2 O6 Challenge kicked off May 31. As with the first Challenge, participants were able to directly engage with the Challenge coaches via weekly Facebook Live events.
Keys to Success are 30-minute Lives done at the beginning of each week to help you set intentions and goals for the week, and highlight key strategies to maximize your performance. These mini-conferences are the building blocks that set the foundation for success in the Challenge, and cover training, recovery, sleep and eating habits, scheduling, mindset, and more.
Another Facebook Live, called Live at 5, is also done weekly, typically on Fridays. It’s an hour-long live Q&A session recapping the week—addressing challenges that came up along the way, sharing insights and stories, and allowing members to ask specific questions about any fitness, health, or wellness topic and get an immediate, personal response.
Finalists for the Q2 Challenge have yet to be announced.
During this time, we also re-launched and updated the Onnit Stories series—a weekly live video interview with someone who’s dramatically changed his/her life by letting Onnit into it (Tribe members are often featured). Subjects are interviewed by Wolf or Heins on Instagram TV (IGTV), and the discussions are later transcribed to appear in article format on this blog. Onnit Stories began with two Tribe members—Anthony Mejia, and previous Onnit 6 Challenge finalist Barry Peterson.

Bottom line: the Onnit Tribe is the ultimate opportunity to connect with like-minded people who share your passion for a healthy lifestyle, and have put their trust in Onnit to help them achieve it. There’s no better way to ensure you see your goals to completion—both in fitness and beyond.