  • 2 grass-fed, pasture-raised ribeye steaks
  • 2 tbsp. Himalayan salt or Fleur de sol
  • Black pepper, to taste
  • 1 cup ghee or pastured butter
  • 4 garlic cloves
  • 10 sprigs fresh thyme
  • 3 sprigs fresh rosemary
  • 2 tbsp. avocado oil
  1. Rub each steak with a more coarse salt, like kosher, Himalayan or Fleur de sol. Set aside at room temperature or in the fridge if overnight. Ideally, you want to salt your steak at least 40 minutes prior to cooking. I like ribeye the best for flavor and happiness purposes, but you can use whichever cut tickles your fancy.
  2. In a small saucepan on low, add the ghee, fresh herbs on the sprigs, and the garlic cloves--you can keep the skin on because we’re just using for infusion. Let the ghee melt and the flavors develop for 15 to 20 minutes.
  3. Preheat cast-iron skillet to high heat. You want it to be smoking hot when you throw on the steaks in order to get the best sear. Cast-iron skillets and fast-searing are both crucial components to a brown crust without overcooking the meat. Make sure you use a high-smoke point oil like avocado oil here. Butter and olive oil have to low of a smoke point and will brown and turn rancid, which is not good for flavor and can produce toxins.
  4. Add the steak to the oiled very hot pan. The cooking times will vary based on the thickness of the steak, but I recommend about three minutes per side for 2-inch thick steak. Remove from heat and baste with the herbed ghee or butter, adding the herbs and garlic on top of the steak as you baste to add more flavor. To baste, tilt your pan to the side, which is basically an arm workout considering the weight of a cast-iron skillet, and continue to spoon the ghee on top of the steak to get a more golden crisp. Repeat on the other side. For this Halloween recipe, I like a bloody medium-rare steak, which is about 130-degrees Fahrenheit so make sure you double check with a meat thermometer.
  5. Remove the steaks from the pan, and let cool on a cutting board for at least 15 minutes prior to slicing and serving. Serve with additional herbed ghee if you so choose. I like to make extra herbed ghee and save it for cooking other dishes, like adding it to the “Purple Monster Mash” or for scrambling my eggs in the morning. The options are endless!